Thursday, June 7, 2012


hi! at the moment i'm probably writing to no one but myself.. because this account has been on idle for over a year! so i'm sorry.. (to anyone who may be reading_so in advance, sorry if this post is confusing, cause i didn't expect you to be reading this! but then again, thankyou!)

okay so basically, i have just finished my firsssssssst semester of uni!!! yayyyyyy! i am so excited, i only had to do one exam :) :) and now its over! i discovered this super cool app on itunes a couple of weeks ago, and it helped with my study so much! you should try it out;)

its this app called: FLASHCARDS. yup. that's it. flashcards! and although i have tried this method out many times (and have failed), this one actually seemed to work because its easy! all you have to do is go onto a site called quizlet, and it asks you to put in your word and definition. but because i'm studying architecture, i for example, entered "10 steps to making a reinforced concrete slab" then typed the 10 steps into the 'definition box', and it was so cool, because i felt that when i entered the 'words and definitions' into the boxes i had already begun revising! awesome.

erm, so you know how sometimes when you have to explain something to someone, you have to know a little bit more than what you're trying to explain to them in order to coherently get it across? (who knows if that made sense or not..) well! i find that's what happens anyway.. but because of this, this flashcards app helped me to explain it to myself better, and it helped.. a superduperlot! the lite version of the app is free, it allows you to create 3 decks with 75 cards each.. and in my experience there's no word limit for each card. so go crazy!

so, if you have a little spare time, why not give it a go before your next exam, it might just work for you!:)

love, the girl who just finished her exam! (wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo)

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