Saturday, January 29, 2011


" Keep on loving what is true, 
and the world will come to you, "
you can find it in yourself." - Michael Bublé

Recently I was listening to this song on the radio and I loved it.. had this catchy tune, and so as any mainstream listener would.. I looked it up on youtube and put it on repeat! In Michael Bublé's song, Hollywood it focuses on two interesting topics and in this blogpost I'm gonna share what I think bout it 8D

TRUTH. (or lies for that matter) It's everywhere, literally! Look at those magazines with those celebrities who 'cake on' the makeup; where's the truth there? Those rumours that spread around the school - a twisted truth.

Through experience, and through stories from my friends I have learnt that there is no benefit in telling lies.  All it does is make things worse. When you start telling the truth and do this consistently, people will be able to trust you more and will be more willing to let you into their lives. Bublé sings in the song Hollywood,  "Keep on loving what is true, and the world will come to you". This is so true, and is so applicable to the lives of pretty much everyone! 

SUCKED IN. In another part of the song he sings, "When you're rich that you sold yourself for this". This line shows how some people will give up everything; their friends, their family and the things that they love JUST to have that one shot at fame + fortune. You don't need to give up all those thingsto 'get to the top'; becuase in the end, despite making it to 'the top', you won't have all of those things that you left behind.

I thought it was an interesting thing to think about,
What about you? 

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