Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Jasmine tea and mandarin jelly cups with strawberries

About a week ago, I discovered this blog called raspberri cupcakes (http://www.raspberricupcakes.com/) and may I just say.. it has some of the yummiest looking desserts I have seen. I wanted to eat them off the screen! But obviously that is impossible.. so I went out to make one of the easiest ones on the blog because I'm a terrible cook/chef/baker! So, I tried out her '

Mandarin & Jasmine Tea Cup Jellies with Raspberries' recipe. It's an easy recipe, for in my case.. it was even easier because I didn't have the gelatin or agar agar powder, so I opted out for the old 'create-your-own aeroplane jelly' stuff! 

I've included some images of how my jellies turned out. Obviously my photo shooting skills aren't amazing, anddddddd the quality isn't that great either (point and shoot camera). 

 Here is the recipe from raspberri cupcake's blog: (with her images included - well.. how the cup SHOULD look like..)

Mandarin & Jasmine Tea Cup Jellies with Raspberries
(makes approximately 4 tea cup jellies)
Juice of 2-3 fresh mandarins (about 1/3 cup) plus extra mandarin to decorate (can be replaced with fresh orange juice)
1 tbsp powdered gelatine (can be replaced with agar)
1 tbsp sugar
400ml (approx 1 & 2/3 cups) boiling water
1 tsp jasmine tea leaves (can be replaced with other tea - e.g. green tea or earl grey)
1 punnet fresh raspberries (can be replaced with other berries)

Place boiling water and tea leaves in a bowl and leave to steep until it is strong enough to your liking, at least 10 mins. In a small saucepan, stir together gelatine, sugar and mandarin juice and leave for 1 minute while gelatine softens. Place over medium heat and stir until gelatine is completely dissolved, about 6-8 minutes.
Mandarin & Jasmine Tea Cup Jellies with Raspberries
Strain tea to remove leaves and stir in gelatine mixture. (Feel free to adjust the balance of flavours to taste at this point) Pour mixture into tea cup, add a few rasberries to each tea cup. Chill in the refrigerator until set, at least  2 hours or overnight. When ready to serve, remove from the fridge and top with extra mandarin slices and raspberries. Can be stored in the fridge for a couple days.

Enjoy! xx

Thursday, June 7, 2012


hi! at the moment i'm probably writing to no one but myself.. because this account has been on idle for over a year! so i'm sorry.. (to anyone who may be reading_so in advance, sorry if this post is confusing, cause i didn't expect you to be reading this! but then again, thankyou!)

okay so basically, i have just finished my firsssssssst semester of uni!!! yayyyyyy! i am so excited, i only had to do one exam :) :) and now its over! i discovered this super cool app on itunes a couple of weeks ago, and it helped with my study so much! you should try it out;)

its this app called: FLASHCARDS. yup. that's it. flashcards! and although i have tried this method out many times (and have failed), this one actually seemed to work because its easy! all you have to do is go onto a site called quizlet, and it asks you to put in your word and definition. but because i'm studying architecture, i for example, entered "10 steps to making a reinforced concrete slab" then typed the 10 steps into the 'definition box', and it was so cool, because i felt that when i entered the 'words and definitions' into the boxes i had already begun revising! awesome.

erm, so you know how sometimes when you have to explain something to someone, you have to know a little bit more than what you're trying to explain to them in order to coherently get it across? (who knows if that made sense or not..) well! i find that's what happens anyway.. but because of this, this flashcards app helped me to explain it to myself better, and it helped.. a superduperlot! the lite version of the app is free, it allows you to create 3 decks with 75 cards each.. and in my experience there's no word limit for each card. so go crazy!

so, if you have a little spare time, why not give it a go before your next exam, it might just work for you!:)

love, the girl who just finished her exam! (wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo)

Saturday, January 29, 2011


" Keep on loving what is true, 
and the world will come to you, "
you can find it in yourself." - Michael Bublé

Recently I was listening to this song on the radio and I loved it.. had this catchy tune, and so as any mainstream listener would.. I looked it up on youtube and put it on repeat! In Michael Bublé's song, Hollywood it focuses on two interesting topics and in this blogpost I'm gonna share what I think bout it 8D

TRUTH. (or lies for that matter) It's everywhere, literally! Look at those magazines with those celebrities who 'cake on' the makeup; where's the truth there? Those rumours that spread around the school - a twisted truth.

Through experience, and through stories from my friends I have learnt that there is no benefit in telling lies.  All it does is make things worse. When you start telling the truth and do this consistently, people will be able to trust you more and will be more willing to let you into their lives. Bublé sings in the song Hollywood,  "Keep on loving what is true, and the world will come to you". This is so true, and is so applicable to the lives of pretty much everyone! 

SUCKED IN. In another part of the song he sings, "When you're rich that you sold yourself for this". This line shows how some people will give up everything; their friends, their family and the things that they love JUST to have that one shot at fame + fortune. You don't need to give up all those thingsto 'get to the top'; becuase in the end, despite making it to 'the top', you won't have all of those things that you left behind.

I thought it was an interesting thing to think about,
What about you? 


Hey blogsters(:
Just yesterday I started my blog.. I don't really know what I'm going to get out of writing about my life, but I think it will help to clear my mind and make sense of the things that happen to me.

Palindrome. Some people may be thinking.. 'What the heck is a palindrome?!'. WELL, I'm gonna explain that to you,even if you know what it is 8D! According to dictionary.com, its defined as "a word, line, verse, number, sentence, etc., reading the same backward as forward". My blog is basically gonna be based on my 'palindrome life'. Life ISN'T like a fairytale, things don't always go to plan, and bad things happen. In reality there is confusion, and at times we may feel that people become misunderstanding and they read you backwards, or things turn out the exact opposite to plan. So yes, welcome to My 'Palindrome' Reality!

Thanks for tuning into my blog(:
I promise I'll be more interesting than my 'fresher' post :3